Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"Who Knew" take two

I helped out again with the "Who Knew?" segment that airs during the 4th hour. This time, people were more eager to sign up for the experience - I think part of it was that I had more confidence this time, and perhaps last time I seemed less legitimate, which turned people off before I even spoke. I also had a little routine down with what/how I told people about the segment that got better results.

We had a good crowd with people from all over (we even had a couple from Manchester, England, who seemed to be there because Ricky Gervais was on the show today), and they all had much better energy than last week.

Otherwise I was on my feet all day, doing dubs and running things around this maze of a building, but I got to see some new places and people working on different shows. My heels are raw and losing the battle of malleability with my new-ish shoes, but the war isn't over yet.

I'm starting to get to know, or at least recognize, more people and names here. My next goal is to shadow a producer while they work on a concept for a segment, and hopefully help out on the actual production that would go in to creating the content for the segment.

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