Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mo' money, mo' taxes

Today was an interesting day, or rather, yesterday was, so much so that I forgot to post. I helped out with a segment called "Who Knew?" that airs during the 4th hour of the show. It's a multiple choice segment, and usually Kathie Lee or Hoda ask about eight people the questions, but Billy Ray Cyrus had the honors of playing Trebek today.

I had the honors of gathering participants and a crowd for the segment, and I was surprised because it wasn't as easy as I thought. I should have asked more people from the crowd in the pavilion while they were still there, but I only signed up two participants during that time, so I had to find the other six among the transient groups passing by outside our building. Also strangely, a good half of the people who I approached were foreign; it wasn't strange that they weren't American, it was strange that I pegged them as such and my inclinations were so off. I eventually gathered enough people and sent them up to the cafe to shoot the segment. I felt a little bad because they were all nervous, and most asked what types of questions they would be asked - I told them it was general pop culture, but it ended up being Easter questions. I could see a few raised eyebrows when the real topic was introduced.

We also celebrated another intern's belated birthday today with a little pizza party lunch. All of the interns, our supervisor, and our intern coordinator sat down for the first time as a group, and it was really nice! I can't stress enough how great the people I work with are, I always had the notion that this business and this city is a bit cold, but so far my experience has been quite the contrary.

The title of this post is irrelevant, to this post, and, I guess, to republicans?

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